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By | 25 Jun 2022

Things to Consider While Buying from European EV Charging Companies

The network of European EV charging companies is expanding, just as it is in the United Kingdom. Too far, 240,865 EV chargers (up to 22kW) and 33,956 fast chargers have been reported throughout the continent in 20211. (those that can refill an EV battery at speeds greater than 22kW). Some organizations, like charging networks in the UK, demand registration through a smartphone app or an RFID card. Payment via debit or credit card, on the other hand, is becoming more prevalent.

More charging stations must be installed throughout Europe by European EV charging companies if electric cars are to continue their rapid rise and success. Because the above figure is a European average, let's look at some nations and their present infrastructure.

Before you go on your electric-powered European road trip, here's everything you need to know.

Where can I locate electric vehicle charging stations in Europe?

Most EVs feature a navigation system that may assist you to find the closest charging station. However, some websites can help you locate EV charging stations.

European EV charging companies may be found at highway service zones, gas stations, public parking lots, and supermarkets all around Europe. In Europe, train stations are also places where you can charge your electric vehicle. If you're staying in a hotel, you may be able to find easy 'destination chargers' there as well.

How does it work?

The mode 3 charging protocol is currently used by the majority of electric vehicles.

This indicates that the vehicle and charger communicate with one another to determine how and when to charge.

The mode 3 charging connections features a total of 7 pins:

• one earth pin, one neutral pin, three-phase pins, and two miniature signal pins (called pp and cp)

Of course, the neutral and phase pins supply power for charging, while the two little pins govern how the automobile is charged (they provide the mode 3 charging signals)

The gadget recognizes the maximum current the charging cable is intended for as soon as you hook it into the charger or the automobile. What evidence do they have? Because the connection has a tiny resistance between the ground and pp pins. Depending on the resistance, the vehicle and the charging equipment know that the maximum current must be limited to avoid the charging connection from overheating.

So, if your cable is rated at 16A, you can never charge faster than 16A per phase. If your cable is rated at 32A, you may charge at any rate less than or equal to 32A.

Connectors of various types

In Europe, two kinds of connections are used for mode 3 charging: the Type 2 connector and the Type 3c connector offered by Schneider Electric (F) and Scame in France and Italy (IT). The reason for this is that federal law requires that every public electric connection in those two nations should be  protected from direct human touch.

The Type 3C connection, as shown in the photos above, has a cover and a shield that will only open when the connector is pushed into the charging box. Those who support Type 2 connections argue that there is never any risk of electrocution since the charger and automobile never allow an electric current to flow through the pins until both connectors are put into their sockets...

In Europe, the struggle between Type 2 and Type 3 is still rising, leaving Electric Vehicle owners with two alternative charging choices depending on the nation they visit.

Charging in different parts of Europe

Taking an electric vehicle to Europe is getting more feasible and simpler. However, particularly with longer EV travels in the UK, planning is essential as is having PIWIN Energy European breakdown protection as a backup.

Piwin energy is the first breakdown support business in the United Kingdom to provide a mobile charging device to electric car owners who have run out of power. We are the leading supplier of electric car breakdown coverage. To learn more about Piwin energy, Come here.

There is still room for EV charging to expand.

As more individuals in Europe begin to purchase electric automobiles, there is a barrier that might stifle future expansion. The absence of infrastructure for European EV charging companies throughout Europe. Because many Europeans travel across the continent for vacations and among nations for work, the infrastructure should not be a barrier. Along with a larger market per capita for electric cars, these vehicles are getting less expensive, and less investment is required as the industry matures.


When purchasing an electric vehicle charging station, there are four things to keep in mind.

Many individuals are considering purchasing EV charging stations to meet their electric car demands, but many are unsure whether one is right for them. There are a few things to think about if you want to make the best option for your EV. Remember these four key characteristics while shopping for excellent electric charging stations to help you limit your options.


When purchasing an electric car charging station, pricing, like everything else, should be taken into consideration. When purchasing a new charger, ensure that it is of high quality and will last as long as possible. If you wish to buy numerous stations, such as one at home and one at work, consult an expert to learn about your alternatives. They will assist you if you tell them your budget.

The speed with which a charging station charges your car is the next factor to consider when purchasing one. As more people choose electric cars, high-quality electric charging facilities are becoming more scarce. They're being bought quicker than they can be put in place. Faster charging equals a faster turnaround time, so keep that in mind while looking for a charging station. There are charging stations with adequate power to fully charge your electric vehicle's battery in minutes, so keep this in mind while buying.


 If you'll be traveling around a lot, a portable model is probably the best option. These charging stations are portable and enable you to charge your electric vehicle from a conventional wall outlet. Portable variants are more expensive than fixed models, but they're worth it if you often move your charging station from one location to another. If traveling isn't your thing, stationary charging stations for your house or office are a great alternative.

Maintenance needs

When looking for an EV charging station, it's important to consider the maintenance needs. Every day, a large number of stations must be plugged in and disconnected. Furthermore, if your automobile or charging station is not handled or fitted appropriately, you risk damaging it over time. To assure quality, pick a station that Needn’t to no maintenance and always buy from a reputable seller.

Any company or person who owns an electric car may benefit from an electric charging station. You should not hurry into a purchase without carefully considering your scenario and particular circumstances, as you will notice various possibilities on the market. Consider the four factors listed above to make the best decision and meet your charging demands effectively.

What are the most crucial things to look for in an electric vehicle charging station?

Using an EV charging station to cut your charging time in half has obvious advantages. However, not all EVSEs are created equal, and they are not free to install. When purchasing an electric vehicle charging station, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Kilowatts, amps, and volts

Higher volts, amps, or kilowatts, in general, indicate more electricity. However, purchasing an EV charging station may be confusing, and you need to be aware of the many terminologies.

When thinking about volts, amps, and kilowatts, imagine you're transporting water rather than electricity:

• Volts are comparable to water pressure. A 240-volt outlet will be used by a Level 2 ESVE (like the outlet for your clothes dryer).

• Amps are a unit of measurement for flow rate. It's similar to the amount of water that comes out of a hose at any one time. The majority of EVSEs deliver between 20 and 40 amps of power.

• Kilowatts are the units of measurement for the amount of power generated when the volts (pressure) and amps (current) are multiplied (volume). The kilowatts supplied by two separate 40 amp charging stations will be the same since all Level 2 EVSEs utilize 240 volts.


You should plan, just like you would for long-distance EV travels in the UK. Regular charging encourages owners of conventional vehicles to take breaks, so driving an EV in Europe shouldn't need any more consideration than typical. At PEWIN ENERGY, you'll find the highest-quality EV charging station.

Efficiency: DC charging stations are increasingly integrated with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enhancing the sustainability of EV charging.