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By | 28 Jun 2024

Choosing the Right Fit: How to Select the Best Split EV Charger

When it comes to choosing the right charger for your electric vehicle, a split EV charger is a popular option worth considering. This type of charger offers many advantages, including portability, flexibility, and easy installation. But how do you select the best one for your needs?

In this article, we will explore how to choose the best split EV charger. We'll discuss its advantages, provide preparation tips before purchasing, analyze key selection criteria, and offer tips for choosing the right charger. Let's delve into how to select the best split EV charger for your electric vehicle and ensure your car is always ready to go!

Advantages of Split EV Chargers

The picture displays a Split Dual Output EV Charger.

Split EV chargers provide several advantages that cater to the needs of electric vehicle (EV) owners. They are known for their portability, allowing users to easily transport them and charge their vehicles wherever they go. This portability is coupled with flexibility, as split EV chargers can be used with various power sources, including standard wall outlets and dedicated charging stations.

One of the key benefits of split EV chargers is their ease of installation. Compared to other chargers, they typically require less complex wiring and setup, making them more user-friendly. Additionally, split EV chargers are often more cost-effective than other types of chargers, offering a budget-friendly option for EV owners.

Another advantage of split EV chargers is their compatibility with a wide range of EV makes and models. This compatibility makes them a versatile choice for EV owners with different vehicles. Furthermore, split EV chargers are designed for efficiency, providing fast and reliable charging for EVs. They also come with built-in safety features, such as surge protection and overheat protection, ensuring safe charging practices.

In summary, split EV chargers offer a convenient, flexible, and cost-effective charging solution for EV owners, making them an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their charging experience.

Preparing for Selection

Before selecting a split EV charger, understanding key factors is crucial. By carefully considering your charging needs, installation requirements, and budget, you can choose the best split charger for your electric vehicle. In this section, we will discuss how to prepare for selection to ensure you make an informed decision and select the best split charger for your electric vehicle.

Assessing Your Charging Needs

Assessing your charging needs is the first step in selecting the best split EV charger for your electric vehicle. Consider the following factors to determine the most suitable charger for your requirements:

  1. Driving Habits: Evaluate your daily driving habits, including the distance you typically travel and the frequency of your trips. This will help you determine how often you'll need to charge your EV and the charging speed required.
  2. Charging Locations: Consider where you'll be charging your electric vehicle most frequently. Whether it's at home, work, or public charging stations, the accessibility and availability of charging locations will impact your charger selection.
  3. Battery Capacity: Understand your EV's battery capacity and charging compatibility. Some vehicles may require specific chargers or have limitations on the charging speed they can support.
  4. Budget: Determine your budget for purchasing and installing a split EV charger. Consider not only the upfront cost but also any additional expenses for installation and maintenance.

By carefully assessing your charging needs, you can select a split EV charger that meets your requirements and provides efficient charging for your electric vehicle.

Evaluating Installation Environment

When selecting a split EV charger, evaluating the installation environment is crucial for optimal performance and convenience. Here are some additional considerations to ensure a comprehensive assessment:

Check the power supply capacity at the installation site to ensure it not only meets but also ideally exceeds the charger's requirements. This proactive approach can accommodate any potential future upgrades or changes in power demands, ensuring consistent and reliable charging.

Ensure the chosen location is not only accessible but also strategically placed for ease of use. For home installations, consider proximity to your parking spot and the shortest route for cable management to minimize trip hazards.

For outdoor installations split EV charger, in addition to weatherproofing, consider environmental factors such as exposure to direct sunlight or harsh weather conditions. Choosing a charger with robust weatherproofing ensures longevity and reliable performance under all weather scenarios.

Assess the available space not only for mounting the charger securely but also for future maintenance access. Adhering to manufacturer guidelines for installation helps maintain warranty validity and ensures safety standards are met.

Verify compatibility with existing electrical infrastructure to minimize the need for extensive modifications or upgrades. This includes checking circuit ratings, breaker capacities, and ensuring proper grounding and electrical safety measures are in place.

By meticulously evaluating these factors, you can confidently select a split EV charger that seamlessly integrates into your environment, providing efficient and hassle-free charging for your electric vehicle.

Setting a Budget

When selecting a split EV charger, it's crucial to set a budget to ensure that you choose a charger that not only meets your needs but also fits your financial constraints. Consider the following factors when setting a budget for your split EV charger:

  1. Upfront Cost: The upfront cost of a split EV charger can vary depending on the brand, features, and charging speed. Higher-priced chargers may offer faster charging speeds or additional features, so it's essential to weigh the cost against the benefits.
  2. Installation Cost: In addition to the cost of the charger itself, you'll need to consider the cost of installation. This may include electrical work, mounting hardware, and any additional accessories required for installation.
  3. Long-Term Savings: While a higher-priced charger may have a higher initial cost, it could potentially save you money in the long run. Consider factors such as energy efficiency and durability when evaluating the long-term cost-effectiveness of a charger.
  4. Warranty and Support: Factor in the cost of warranty and support when setting your budget. A charger with a longer warranty or comprehensive support package may have a higher upfront cost but could provide added peace of mind.
  5. Government Incentives: Check if there are any government incentives or rebates available for purchasing a split EV charger. These incentives can help offset the cost of the charger and installation.

By carefully considering these factors and setting a budget, you can choose a split EV charger that not only meets your needs but also fits your budget, ensuring a cost-effective charging solution for your electric vehicle.

Key Selection Criteria

When selecting the best split EV charger for your electric vehicle, several key criteria should be considered to ensure you make the right choice. These criteria include power output, charging speed, safety features, durability, and compatibility. Let's delve into each of these aspects to help you make an informed decision.

Charging Power and Speed

A man is holding the interface of a charging station, preparing to charge the car.

Choosing the right split EV charger involves evaluating its charging power and speed, critical factors for efficient electric vehicle charging. The charger's power output, typically measured in kilowatts (kW), determines how quickly it can charge your EV. Chargers range from 3.6 kW to 22 kW or higher, with higher kW chargers offering faster charging speeds.

For instance, the Pilot x Piwin Split EV Chargeroffers various configurations such as 4250A and 8250A in Continuous Mode, both providing a maximum charging power of 480kW. It's important to ensure the charger's power output aligns with your EV's battery capacity and charging specifications. Some EVs may have specific maximum power requirements that need to be matched for optimal charging efficiency.

Future-proofing your charger choice involves considering potential upgrades or changes in your driving habits that might require higher charging capacities. Additionally, higher kW chargers may require specific electrical installations, such as dedicated circuits or higher amperage wiring, to support their power output.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a split EV charger that not only meets your current needs but also prepares you for future advancements in electric vehicle technology and changes in your personal driving habits. This proactive approach ensures efficient charging performance and a seamless integration of your EV charging solution into your daily life.

Safety Features

When it comes to selecting a split EV charger, safety features are paramount. Here's a breakdown of the key safety considerations for split EV chargers:

  1. Overcurrent Protection:Essential for safeguarding the charger and your EV's battery from excessive current flow.
  2. Ground Fault Protection: Detects and shuts off the charger in case of an imbalance in the electrical current, preventing electrical shocks.
  3. Weatherproof Design: Crucial for outdoor installations, ensuring the charger is protected from environmental factors like rain and snow.
  4. Cable Management:Proper cable management features help prevent tripping hazards and protect the cables from damage.
  5. Certifications: Look for chargers certified by reputable organizations like UL to ensure they meet safety standards.
  6. Smart Monitoring: Some chargers offer smart monitoring features for remote monitoring and alerts in case of issues.

Choosing a split EV charger with these safety features ensures a safe and reliable charging experience for your electric vehicle.

Durability and Reliability

When you're in the market for a split EV charger, you want something that can withstand the elements and keep working reliably for years to come. Here's what to look for:

  1. Rugged Construction: Opt for chargers with sturdy builds, like stainless steel or aluminum, to ensure they can handle everyday wear and tear.
  2. Weatherproof Design: Look for chargers that are designed to resist water, dust, and extreme temperatures, ensuring they can withstand outdoor use.
  3. Impact Resistance: Choose a charger that can withstand accidental bumps and knocks, so you don't have to worry about it getting damaged easily.
  4. Dependable Components: Check the quality of the internal components, such as connectors and circuitry, to ensure they're built to last.
  5. Warranty Coverage: A longer warranty period is a good indicator of the manufacturer's confidence in their product's durability and reliability.

By considering these factors, you can select a split EV charger that will keep your electric vehicle charged up and ready to go whenever you need it.

Tips for Choosing the Best Split EV Charger

When it comes to selecting the best split EV charger for your needs, consider the following tips to make an informed decision:

  1. Understand Your Charging Needs: Determine your typical driving habits, daily mileage, and the type of electric vehicle you own. This will help you choose a charger with the right power output and features.
  2. Consider Installation Requirements: Evaluate your home or business premises to determine the best location for installing the charger. Consider factors such as proximity to your parking spot, access to electrical wiring, and the need for additional equipment.
  3. Review Charger Compatibility: Ensure that the charger is compatible with your electric vehicle model. Check for compatibility with charging standards such as CHAdeMO and CCS depending on your vehicle.
  4. Evaluate Power Output: Choose a charger with a power output that matches your vehicle's charging capabilities. Higher power outputs can reduce charging times but may require professional installation and higher electricity costs.
  5. Check Safety Features: Look for chargers with built-in safety features such as overcurrent protection, ground fault protection, and weatherproof construction. These features can enhance the safety and durability of the charger.
  6. Consider Smart Charging Features: Opt for chargers with smart charging capabilities that allow you to monitor and control charging remotely. Smart features can help you schedule charging times, monitor energy usage, and receive notifications.
  7. Read User Reviews: Research and read reviews from other EV owners to get insights into the performance, reliability, and user experience of different charger models.
  8. Evaluate Cost and Warranty: Compare the cost of the charger, installation fees, and any additional equipment required. Also, check the warranty terms to ensure adequate coverage.

By following these tips, you can select the best split EV charger that meets your needs and ensures efficient charging for your electric vehicle.


In conclusion, selecting the best split EV charger is a decision that should be approached with careful consideration of your specific needs and preferences. By evaluating factors such as charging power, safety features, durability, and compatibility with your electric vehicle, you can make an informed choice that enhances your overall charging experience.

Remember, a well-chosen split EV charger not only meets your current needs but also prepares you for future advancements in electric vehicle technology. Whether you prioritize fast charging speeds, robust safety measures, or seamless integration into your home or workplace, the right charger will provide reliable performance and peace of mind.

For assistance in selecting the ideal split EV charger tailored to your requirements, consult with a trusted supplier or electric vehicle charging expert. With their guidance, you can confidently invest in a charger that aligns perfectly with your lifestyle and driving habits, ensuring efficient and sustainable charging solutions for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions about Split EV Chargers

What is a split EV charger?

A split EV charger refers to a type of electric vehicle charging station that separates the power conversion module (typically mounted on the wall or pedestal) from the connector and cable assembly. This design allows for more flexibility in installation and maintenance.

How does a split EV charger differ from an integrated charger?

Unlike integrated chargers, where the power electronics and the charging connector are housed together in a single unit, split EV chargers distribute these components into separate parts. This separation can simplify installation, reduce cable length requirements, and offer more design flexibility.

Are split EV chargers suitable for home use?

Yes, split EV chargers can be suitable for home use, especially if you have specific installation requirements or space constraints. They provide flexibility in how and where the charger is installed on your property.

What safety features should I look for in a split EV charger?

Key safety features to consider include overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection, ground fault protection, weatherproof design, and certifications from reputable testing organizations.

How do I choose the right split EV charger for my needs?

When selecting a split EV charger, consider factors such as your vehicle's charging requirements (voltage and current), installation location, budget, desired features (e.g., smart connectivity), and compatibility with your electric vehicle.

Efficiency: DC charging stations are increasingly integrated with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enhancing the sustainability of EV charging.