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By | 18 Apr 2023

A comprehensive guide on How to Installing an Electric Vehicle Charger

Things to consider while installing electric car charger:

The popularity of electric vehicles is rising, and for a good reason. Installing an electric vehicle charger at home is a fantastic method to guarantee that your EV is always prepared to go when you need it and to save money on gasoline costs. Electric car chargers are necessary for the owner of an electric vehicle since they make it simple and quick to recharge the battery. Overall, installing electric car charger cannot be difficult and may need the help of a certified electrician. It's critical to conduct thorough market research, pick a dependable installation, and adhere to all applicable construction laws and ordinances in your area. The type of charger, the electrical system in your home, and local construction regulations will all affect how an electric car charger is installed. To install an electric car charger at your house, follow these general instructions:

Select the charger type: Chargers come in various forms, including Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers. While Level 2 chargers need a 240-volt outlet and may charge your car more quickly, Level 1 chargers can only be used with a conventional 120-volt outlet. DC fast chargers can charge your automobile quickly and are often located outside.

  • Hire an electrician: 

It is advised to work with a certified electrician who is experienced in installing electric car chargers. They will assess the electrical setup of your house, choose the ideal place for the charger, and give you a quote for the installation.

  • Obtain the required licenses: 

To install an electric car charger, you may need to obtain licenses from your local government, depending on where you reside.

  • Installing the charger: 

The electrician should install the charger per the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring that it is linked to a specific circuit with the right amperage and circuit breaker.

  • Choose a location: 

The charger must be put in a practical spot for you to use and complies with local building regulations. Additionally, make sure there is room at the location for both your car and the charger.

  • Test the charger: 

After installing it, the electrician will run a test to ensure the charger is operating properly.

  • Sign up for incentives: 

Depending on your location, you could be qualified for government discounts or incentives for installing an electric vehicle charger.

Installing an Electric Car Charger at Home Has Many Advantages:

Adding an electric car charger to your home can have various advantages, including convenience, financial savings, quicker charging, enhanced property value, and environmental advantages. Anyone who owns an electric car and wants to get the full rewards of driving one should invest. The following are just a few advantages of having an install electric car charger in your home:

  1. Convenience: 

A home charging station has several advantages, but its convenience is one of the most important. There is no need to stress where to find a public charging station because you can always charge your electric car.

2.Cost savings: 

Charging your electric vehicle at home is often far less expensive than utilizing public charging stations. You may benefit from off-peak electricity prices to reduce your charging expenses even further.

3.Fast charging:

A Level 2 charger allows you to charge your electric car significantly more quickly than a Level 1 charger or a public charging station. This indicates that it will take just a few hours to charge your car completely.

Installing an Electric Vehicle Charger

4.Increased resale value:

Adding an electric car charger to your house can make it more appealing to purchasers who own electric cars and raise the value of your property.

5.Environmentally benefits:

Benefits for the environment include lowering carbon emissions and helping to create a more sustainable future by using an electric car charger fueled by renewable energy sources like solar or wind energy.

How much does installing a car charger for electric vehicles cost?

It's crucial to remember that certain governments and utilities provide incentives and rebates for installing electric car chargers, which can reduce the cost. Additionally, several producers of electric vehicles provide their customers with cheap or complimentary charger installations. The price of install electric vehicle charger can vary significantly based on a number of variables, including the kind of charger you want, where you want to place it, the existing electrical infrastructure, and labour prices in your region. A few projected prices for various charger types are listed below:

  • Level 1 Charger: 

This charger, which is the most basic and connects to a typical 120-volt household outlet, is included with the vehicle. A complete charge for an electric automobile might take up to 24 hours. This charger doesn't require installation fees, but you might need to change your electrical panel and cable to accommodate the charging.

  • Level 2 Charger:

A Level 2 charger can charge an electric vehicle far more quickly than a Level 1 charger, often in 4 to 8 hours. However, it does need a 240-volt circuit. Installing a Level 2 charger might cost between $500 and $2,500, depending on the installation's difficulty.

  • DC Fast charger:

The quickest form of charger, the DC Fast Charger, can charge an electric vehicle to 80% of its capacity in 20 to 30 minutes. Installation fees for a DC Fast Charger can cost between $10,000 and $50,000 or more, which is much more expensive than those for a Level 2 charger.


In general, the price to install electric vehicle chargers can differ significantly based on several variables, so it's better to get an estimate from a certified electrician or charger installation business in your region. Making EVs a practical and affordable option for drivers worldwide will become increasingly important as the world moves towards more sustainable energy sources. Products from PIWIN have been approved by a global quality system and include more than 68 patents and over 31 important technologies. To be the business industry leader. Check out our website.

Efficiency: DC charging stations are increasingly integrated with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enhancing the sustainability of EV charging.