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By | 15 Mar 2023

Knowing the Fundamentals of Electric Charger

What is an electric Charger?

  • To refuel the batteries in electric cars (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, an electric charger is a device that delivers electrical energy (PHEVs). The charger must be linked to an external power source to provide the battery with the direct current (DC) it needs. It converts the power source's alternating current (AC) to DC.
  • Electric vehicle (EV) chargers come in various sorts, such as Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 chargers. Each has a distinct charging capacity and is appropriate for a particular kind of EV. It is customary to use Level 1 chargers at home since they deliver a sluggish charge over a longer duration. Level 2 chargers are more potent and may quickly complete an EV charge. The most potent chargers are Level 3 chargers, sometimes called DC fast chargers, which can charge an EV to 80% capacity in as little as 20 minutes.
  • Electric chargers may be installed in offices, residences, and public spaces like parking lots and gas stations. The broad acceptance of electric vehicles depends largely on the accessibility and obtainability of electric chargers, which allow drivers to charge their cars whenever and wherever they need to.

For Knowing the Fundamentals of Electric Chargers:

  • Level 2 chargers are more potent and may quickly complete an EV charge. The most potent chargers are Level 3 chargers, sometimes called DC fast chargers, which can charge an EV to 80% capacity in as little as 20 minutes.
  • Electric chargers may be installed in offices, residences, and public spaces like parking lots and gas stations. The affordability and accessibility of electric chargers, which enable owners to charge their cars whenever and wherever needed, are key factors in the widespread acceptance of electric vehicles.
  • The simplest and most fundamental charger is the Level 1 charger, which may charge a car using a regular household outlet (120V). The range that can be obtained from these chargers is limited to 3-5 miles per hour of charging, though; they could be more active.
  • Charge periods are shortened, and power is increased with Level 2 chargers. They can deliver up to 25 miles of the array each hour of charging and need a dedicated 240V outlet. Public charging stations, workplaces, and households frequently utilize Level 2 chargers.
  • The quickest chargers are level 3 chargers, sometimes called DC fast chargers, which can charge a car to 80% of its capacity in as little as 20 minutes.

How are electric chargers functioning?

  • An electric charger is a tool for recharging the batteries of electric automobiles and other battery-powered electronics. Although there are various kinds of electric chargers, they all generally transform electrical energy from a power source into chemical energy stored in the battery.
  • The power source for the charger is attached to it; this is commonly an electrical outlet or a charging station.
  • Circuitry in the charger controls the amount of electrical current that enters the battery. Overcharging, which can harm the battery, is avoided as a result.
  • A plug or cable often connects the battery to the charger.
  • A chemical reaction that results from the charger's electrical current flowing through the battery stores energy in the battery. Depending on the battery type and the wattage of the charger, the charging time might range from a few minutes to several hours.
  • To avoid overcharging, the charger automatically stops providing electricity to the battery after it is fully charged.
 Electric charger

Why is there a demand for electric car chargers?

There are various reasons why electric chargers are required:

Electric cars, as opposed to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, run on electric power stored in batteries. As a result, EVs require regular charging to function, much like your phone or laptop.

  • The increasing popularity of electric vehicles:

Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular, and as a result, more and more individuals are opting to switch to driving them. As a result, there is a growing need for electric chargers, which calls for constructing more charging infrastructure.

  • Reducing reliance on fossil fuels: 

Compared to gasoline-powered automobiles, electric vehicles are cleaner and more environmentally friendly. We can lessen our reliance on fossil fuels; by promoting the usage of electric vehicles, you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change. Electric chargers are thus required to enable the switch to electric automobiles.

  • Short driving range of electric cars: 

Electric cars have a short driving range and require frequent charging to stay in operation. Hence, EV chargers are required to guarantee that drivers may and swiftly charge their vehicles wherever they are.

Manufacturers to consider when buying an electric charger:

  • You may choose the time you charge by using an electric charger. Using public charging stations is not required. The multiple days and hours of standing about while waiting for the EV to charge are now over.
  • The value proposition of buying a property with a Level 2 EV charging station installed increases along with the number of homebuyers driving electric vehicles. Your property's worth might increase if you take advantage of this wonderful convenience.
  • The electric vehicle chargers are gradually becoming less effective. To slow down battery ageing, having a completely full battery rather than a few hour-long taps at a public charging station is preferable.


The future time you find yourself in a situation where you have to recharge your EV's battery. Also, you will be able to choose wisely depending on the particulars of your circumstance. We advise making your purchase at PIWIN since we enable you to save time and money. When you purchase from us, the electric Charger price is affordable. It is great for routine use around the house. The business designed an excellent rapid charger to fulfil modern drivers' demands. 

Efficiency: DC charging stations are increasingly integrated with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enhancing the sustainability of EV charging.