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By | 27 Feb 2023

The benefits of installing EV charging points for home and business

What is exactly EV the charging points for?

Locations, where electric cars may be charged are known as EV charging points. They are available in various sorts and speeds, from sluggish chargers that take many hours to rapid chargers that can fully charge a car in less than an hour. Public places like parking lots and petrol stations include charging stations and private households. While other charging stations are accessible to everyone, some are run by certain networks or corporations. 

  • Convenience: 

Having a charging station at home frees you from relying on public charging stations so that you may charge your electric car overnight or whenever it's convenient.

  • Saving money: 

If you have access to off-peak power prices, charging your electric car at home might be more affordable than using public charging stations.

  • Increased house value: 

As more people purchase electric vehicles and search for homes with charging infrastructure, adding an EV charging outlet can raise the value of your property.

  • Lowering carbon footprint:

Benefits for the environment include lowering your carbon footprint and assisting in mitigating climate change by driving an electric vehicle and charging it with renewable energy.

  • Government incentives: 

Some governments provide tax credits or rebates, which can assist in defraying the installation costs for installing EV charging stations at home. 

DC EV Charging Station of around 120KW:

  • The electric car market is transforming thanks to the 120KW DC EV Charging Station. This charging station is perfect for long-distance travel since it can charge electric vehicles up to five times quicker than conventional AC charging stations. Additionally, a 120 kW EV charging station installation is a terrific method to guarantee the highest efficiency when charging your electric car. This station provides the maximum power and can quickly charge your EV.
  • The DC EV Charging Station is revolutionizing electric vehicle charging. This station is a game-changer in terms of convenience and speed because it can charge an EV in only 30 minutes. Additionally, this station can be watched and managed remotely, enabling far more effective use of resources.

Find out what a 120KW DC EV charging station can do for you.

Electric vehicles may charge fast thanks to the robust design of the 120KW DC EV charging station. This station offers numerous advantages, including faster charging times, increased safety, and compatibility with most electric vehicles. It makes use of innovative charging technology. Lower emissions, less running expenses, and a decreased reliance on foreign energy are the key advantages of EVs. Infrastructure for charging EVs is being created worldwide to assist the adoption of EVs.

  • Quick charging: 

Depending on the car, a 120KW charging station can offer high power and fast charging, enabling electric vehicles to charge up to 80% of their capacity in as little as 30 minutes.

  • Increased use: 

As more electric cars can be charged in less time, thanks to a quicker charging speed, the charging station will see an increase in total use.

EV charging points
  • Future-proofing: 

A 120KW charging station has a high enough power output to support future generations of electric vehicles as they develop and improve.

  • Reduced wait times: 

Electric vehicle drivers spend less time waiting for their cars to charge thanks to faster charging times, which makes EVs a more feasible alternative for lengthy trips.

  • Potential income source: 

Owners of charging stations can make money by charging users of electric vehicles to use the facility, and greater use of a 120KW charging station may result in larger revenue potential.

Why does every driver require a 120KW DC EV charging station?

Depending on their driving patterns, the car's range, and the accessibility of charging infrastructure in their location, electric vehicle owners may have different charging demands. A 120KW DC EV charging station, however, may be useful for drivers who:

  • Travel a lot of miles: 

If you routinely drive a lot of miles and depend on rapid charging to get you there, a 120KW charging station can drastically cut down on charging times and enable you to get back on the road more quickly.

  • Have a bigger battery: 

Larger batteries may need a higher power output to charge an electric car more rapidly. It is possible to charge these automobiles quickly using a 120KW charging station.

  • Willing to invest in charging future-proof infrastructure: 

A 120KW charging station may offer a high enough power output to suit the next generations of electric vehicles as they continue to get better and have longer ranges.

  • Wants to support a sustainable future:

Electric cars provide a more ecologically friendly and sustainable means of transportation for those who want to support a sustainable future. This charging station can aid in promoting the use of electric vehicles and supporting a future with less pollution.

Features of a 120kW DC EV charging station:

  • Electric car charging is quick and easy with a 120KW DC EV Charging Station. Numerous features are available, including higher power ratings, quicker charging times, additional charging ports, and smart charging capabilities.
  • Drivers can recharge their vehicles in a fraction of the time it takes to do so with other models, thanks to its groundbreaking 120kW power. As it doesn't involve using fossil fuels, it is also an ecologically beneficial choice.
  • EV charging points are the ideal option for companies and people searching for dependable and effective charging stations for their electric vehicles since they have characteristics like rapid charging speed, safety, and convenience.
  • A powerful charging station with the greatest power output for electric vehicles is the 120kW DC EV Charging Station. It is perfect for individuals who want a lot of power rapidly since it can start electric vehicles with a power output of up to 120kW.
  • For owners of electric vehicles (EVs), installing a 120KW DC EV Charging Station can have several positive effects on safety. It makes it possible to charge EVs more quickly and with more power, which reduces the likelihood that they would overheat and catch fire.


The future of charging electric vehicles is the PIWIN EV Charging points. It is a strong, quick charger that can charge up to four electric cars at once and delivers up to 120 kilowatts of DC power. It also has a user-friendly user interface and a smart detecting system for optimal convenience. The charging station is intended to offer electric car owners quick, efficient, and dependable charging. It has cutting-edge power management technology that guarantees optimal effectiveness and security. We provide various charging choices, including AC and DC power, at our stations, which are dependable, quick, and efficient.

Efficiency: DC charging stations are increasingly integrated with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enhancing the sustainability of EV charging.