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By | 23 Apr 2022

How to install DC fast charger at home?

When it comes to charging your electric car, the fastest and most efficient approach is best. Gone are the days when getting half a charged battery might take 14+ hours. In today's world, you can have a drivable automobile in minutes. DC Fast Charging is one of the most convenient ways to charge your automobile. In this post, we'll explore the topic of electric car charging, specifically DC charging, and if it's possible to do it at home. So continue to read the DC fast charger at home guide.

Understanding what a Direct Current is and why it is so effective at electric vehicle charging rapidly is essential! 

What is direct current? 

Before we go any further, we want to make sure you know what we mean when we say "DC." This acronym may have been heard with Alternating Current and no, we're not referring to the music band AC/DC!

Direct Current (DC) is the abbreviation for Direct Current. It refers to electric current and signifies that rather than using an Alternating Current (AC) that reverses direction, the current is sent straight from the source to the thing that requires power.  

Having an understanding of what a Direct Current is is key to understanding why they are so good at charging electric vehicles quickly.  

What does direct current fast-charging mean? 

Now that you know what a Direct Current is, it's time to look at what it entails in terms of charging.

The method of charging your electric car quickly via a DC point is known as DC fast charging. This implies that if you drive a lot and are often on the road, you won't have to wait long between charges. Simply attach it to a charging source and you'll be on your way in no time.  

You can either use DC fast charging at home (more on that later) or connect it to one of the many DC fast-charging stations scattered around the nation. They may be utilized as a convenience when you need to charge your automobile rapidly. As a result, they're frequently utilized for lengthy automobile journeys.

In most cases, DC charging is not advised for long-term use. There are two reasons for this. The first is that DC fast charging is often far more costly than ordinary AC charging. This is due to the fact that it is more expensive to install and utilize. The second reason is due to the massive quantity of electricity that a DC charging port produces.  

DC charging ports are intended for occasional usage, particularly when you want a rapid, efficient charge in a hurry! The energy flowing from a DC charging station might place a burden on your car's battery, which must handle all of this extra energy. As a result, if you use your battery for extended periods of time, you may limit its longevity and efficacy.

Keep DC charging for when you need it the most. By no means should you be put off from utilizing a DC charging point! They are, on the contrary, quite useful when used cautiously.  

One thing to keep in mind is that DC fast charging is a highly costly system to install, which is why it is normally exclusively used in commercial or industrial settings. They are referred to as 'level 3' charging and are the quickest choice for charging electric cars.  

What is DC operated charging stations?

1.     We've already highlighted DC charging stations several times. If you've never heard of them, you're probably wondering what we're talking about. Don't worry, we'll cover all you need to know about DC charging stations in this section.  

2.     A DC charging station, similar to a gas station where you'd fill up your regular automobile, is a location where you can 'fill up the battery on your electric car, whether it's a Tesla, Nissan, Chevy, or any other vehicle.    

3.     You can use an electric connector, such as a CHAdeMO or CCS, to connect your automobile to this EV charging station banks. They then let you utilize their DC rapid charging network, which may or may not be available.

4.     Simply charge the car, stretch your legs for 30 minutes or so, maybe grab a cup of coffee, and return to a charged and ready-to-go vehicle.

5.     The number of DC fast EV charging stations around the country is growing in tandem with the popularity of electric vehicles. Check out your state's choices to discover what you have! 

Can you have a Direct current charger at home? 

Everyone having an electric vehicle has the wish of having DC fast EV chargers at home. Direct current rapid charging is commonly employed in commercial and industrial settings, as we noted previously in the text. This is due to the significant cost of installation and subsequent use. So, it is very difficult for a common person to afford it.

To answer this question, the answer is no.

As a result, installing a level 3 DC fast charger in your house is not viable or suitable(at least for the time being). They require a 440-volt DC power source, making them unsuitable for most residential settings. Don't be discouraged, though, since there are other possibilities!  

Just because you can't put in a Direct Current fast charger at home doesn't mean you can't have a charger for your electric vehicle there! When it comes to charging electric vehicles, keep in mind that there are three tiers. The level of DC charging is evaluated at three. Levels 1 and 2 are the only remaining levels.  

What type of Electric Vehicle chargers can be used at home? - How to install DC fast charger at home?

Both level 1 and level 2 chargers may be securely used at home, allowing you to charge your car while sleeping or relaxing with your favorite TV show. 

Level 1 charging

level 1 charging is quite straightforward, and that's the sort that comes standard with your electric vehicle when you buy it. On one end, you'll find a 110-volt three-pronged connector that you can put into a wall outlet, and on the other end, you'll find a plug that's particular to your electric car to plug into.

To fully charge your car from a nearly dead battery, it usually takes 14 to 20 hours on level 1. Of course, this is a far cry from the 3 minutes that DC charging claims. With this in mind, it may be preferable to use them on a regular basis for top-ups rather than letting the battery run out.  

Level 2 charging

Level 2 charging is a little faster, but it necessitates the use of a separate domestic power source. This form of charging requires the same power and outlet as a clothes drier or an electric range. This is usually roughly 220 volts, which is twice as much as a level 1 charger.

However, these types of outlets are far and few in our homes and will be required for other purposes. So, in order to charge your car, you'll need to hire a skilled electrician to install another outlet at a handy location. This will hardwire the charger and provide you with a dedicated home charging station for your electric vehicle.

Level 2 charging is far faster than level 1, with a full charge taking only 6 to 8 hours. This means you may do it overnight and then just disconnect the car in the morning before heading to work. Many EV owners prefer this kind of charging over level 1 charging since it is very affordable to install.

Because both level 1 and level 2 charging techniques rely on AC (alternating current), they are slower than DC charging. You may, however, quickly charge your car at one of the many DC charging stations located around the country.  

It needs to be seen if you will be able to have a Direct Current point placed at home in the future, but considering the ongoing innovation that we see in the electric vehicle area, we wouldn't be shocked if it did.  

Conclusion - How to install DC fast charger at home?

As you can see, the world of electric vehicles is fascinating, particularly when charging your vehicle. Despite various alternatives, Direct Current fast charging is the most efficient and quick way to charge your vehicle, so it's no surprise it's so popular.

However, in response to the article's headline, it is presently impossible to install a DC fast charger at home, and it is only available for business and industrial usage. If you strongly desire DC fast chargers, we advise you to visit a charging station designed specifically for your electric car. 

I offer a reliable charging point manufacturer named Piwinevcharging that can be contacted directly via the website.

Also Read: how much does a dc fast charger cost?

Efficiency: DC charging stations are increasingly integrated with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enhancing the sustainability of EV charging.